Friday, August 8, 2014

McKayla and Sheridan

DISCLAIMER: In case you didn't know, I'm writing this as if these were my last words to you before I died. Which would be today. 

Dear McKayla Hansen,

Hi. I'm really sorry that we didn't get to know each other better. If I had known that I was going to love you the way I do now, I would have talked to you every day at Seussical. Also I so wish that I had known you before. The truth is that when I first saw you, I was SUPER intimidated to talk to you because you were so freaking pretty. You still are. You're freaking gorgeous. But anyways, I thought you were way too cool for school, thus, way too cool to talk to me. And I had kind of an instant crush on you, and that's still true to this day. Also your skills on the piano amaze me! You're so good! I just, on the spot, asked you to play Santa Fe and you did! Gosh you're amazing and I love you so much! It kinda sucks that I'm going to die today, but I don't want you to focus on it too much. Because YOURE GOING TO ITALY!! Granted, I won't be able to write you any letters, but you know I would have. I mean, I'm writing you one right now and it's pretty decent, right? Also, this is me professing to the world that I think you're attractive and that I pretty much have a crush on you and I'm in love with you, so.... Yeah. You're really one of the most amazing people I've ever met and I'm sorry I didn't get to spend more time with you. But the time we did spend together was amazing. You remember when we were in the In N Out parking lot and I made you get on my back for a chicken fight? That was pretty freaking adorable of us. Also the time we watched Phantom at your house! That was one of the best times of my life just because I was spending it with you. I love you McKayla Hansen. Keep me as a happy memory. 



Dear Sheridan Hansen,

Wow. I've gone through a lot with you and I've only known you since like... April? I don't know what it is but you and me just kind of clicked once we started talking to each other and I love that so much. And I love YOU. Please please please never forget that I LOVE YOU so much! You were never alone with me. I mean, I'm dying now, but I'm still going to always be here. I know that's a little religious and weird and sad, but I don't ever want to leave you. You're so great and you mean too much to me for dying to get in the way. I'm just sad that I won't be there to see you at your broadway debut because you know I would be there no matter what. I WOULD BE THERE IF I WAS DYING. Nothing in this world would make me happier than to see you accomplish your dream. AND YOU WILL. I just won't be there to see it. But if there's anything I want you to remember, it's that YOU control what happens to you. Nothing can stop you except for yourself. Take it from someone who took this to heart, and honestly, this helped me so much. If you want it enough, nothing or anyone is going to get in your way, so keep that dream and vision in mind always. Never stop working. And even if you get there, KEEP GOING. Sheridan, just remember that I believe in you and love you so much. I just wish I had gotten to know you more. One of the biggest regrets I have with you is how little I learned about you. I mean, I know you and I love you, but I wish I knew more. I wish we had late night phone calls and deep Facebook conversations because you're amazing. Who doesn't want to get to know an amazing person? I'll miss you.



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