Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Jaiden and Megan

DISCLAIMER: In case you didn't know, I'm writing this as if these were my last words to you before I died. Which would be today. 

Dear Jaiden,

You know when they say "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Unfortunately, that's what I think whenever you come up in my brain. I've never met someone who had such a clear view on the world and how real it is. You showed me that people shouldn't be treated how you want to be treated, they should be treated the way THEY deserve to be treated. Whether that was good or bad is up to how they act. It's such a beautiful way to go about things and I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it came from such a beautiful girl. Inside and out. I remember when I had a crush on you and I was devastated that we weren't a thing. Huh. It all seems so unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Of course I'm sad I never got the chance to call myself your boyfriend, but at the end of the day I should honestly just be grateful for the chances I did get to interact with you. Whether it was romantic or not. And look at us now! Good friends and despite that little thing that happened we still manage to say to each other "I love you." And that honestly makes me happier than you can imagine. You go on and on about how amazing I am but I don't think that many people get to tell you how amazing YOU are so allow me. Jaiden, you are amazing because you are unlike anybody that anyone has ever met. You're drop-dead gorgeous, you're nice, you're funny, you're silly, you watch good tv shows, you play guitar hero, you aren't afraid to share your feelings, you're direct, you're an AMAZING dancer, and your hugs are out of this world. I hope that's enough for you to finally start believing me. I don't need you to believe you're this high and mighty amazing person (because then you'd get an ego and that's no fun), but what I do need is for you to be happy. No matter what it takes. I want the rest of your life only to bring you goodness and happiness and love. I love you.



Dear Megan Vest,

Hello hello hello my beautiful friend. Can you believe that we only actually met in person at Cinderella 11 days ago?? You should be really honored that you made it on this list. Serious now though, you amaze me. First out, you have talent out the wazoo and I'm amazed that you even wanted to be friends with me. Furthermore, I'm shocked that YOU were intimidated to come up to ME at Seussical! Every time I talk to you or see you all I can think is "I just want to hug her." Because I feel like you deserve to be hugged all the time. Not trying to put words in your mouth, but I know you've been through a lot of stuff and all I want is to make you feel safe and beautiful all the time. Thus, the hug. You ever notice that when you hug someone, most of the time, your hearts are really close together? I'm not going to go off about how I'm in love with you, but I just want you to remember that when you go through the rest of your life hugging. Because it's so intimate and it's a beautiful thing to experience. A hug. Megan, I'm so close to tears right now and I don't know why. My goodness I just love you so much, okay? I just want you to remember that if there was anyone in this world that loved you, I was that person. You have so many people who DO love you though and it's such a beautiful thing to be loved. Don't lose that love or the people who do. You'll go through life and people will talk shit behind your back about how you're not pretty or you're not a good singer, or stuff like that. But at the end of the day the ONLY PEOPLE THAT MATTER are the people that love you and you love them back. And you matter to me. Anyways, I'm getting too emotional. I love you so much.



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