Saturday, April 5, 2014


You wanna know what sucks about the world?

The world.

Let's get real, the world kind of sucks a lot. There's starvation in third world countries, starvation, death, pollution, homicides, serial killers, fast food (even though I buy it. Shh.), bullies in high schools, terrorists, etcetera etcetera etcetera.


And there's probably more than just those things I listed, sadly. 

But take it from someone who almost killed themselves last week, there is that light at the end of the tunnel. I got to the place where I never thought I would reach. I danced on the edge of destruction, so to speak. (If you get that reference, I love you.) 

There are all these things that will try so hard to bury you underneath the ground you stand on, but you know... I had people dig me out right before I wasn't able to breathe anymore. 

And if you ever feel alone, remember this, I love you. Even if I have never met you, or I've only met you once, or I see you every day, I love you.

Cliche, I know, but get off of me.

