Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I Just Found Out You Have A Blog

I just realized I care about you a lot.

We haven't even talked to each other like for real. I just looked at you before I went on stage. Not in a creepy way.

You're just so nice and I feel like you deserve a lot more than you get. If that makes sense. Of course it does. Why did I write that? 

I don't care about you like I care about that other girl (read my last post). But maybe that's because she caught my eye before you did. Not saying I'm romantically interested in you.

What am I saying. This doesn't make anybody feel good.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really actually want to get to know you. Because you're a cool chick. Like really. And it SUCKS that we're not in the same cast because we could have such good and deep chemistry on stage.

Not dissing that other girl though.

Hey. If you read this, IF you read this. You should ask me for my number so we can text and stuff. And I'll listen to your problems. If you want.

Anyways, you're great.

See ya.


  1. the honesty. i wish we spoke to each other like this in real life.

  2. Hahahaha. I lovvved this.
    Super creepy ;) I hope she responds.
