Sunday, October 19, 2014

Who Are You Really?

"I think you could fall in love with anyone really. All you have to do is watch them when you're alone."

Being alone isn't exactly one of my strong suits. I don't like doing it, but sometimes I'm "forced" to, you know? 

I don't necessarily know if anyone would fall in love with me if they saw what I do alone. I don't do anything bad, it's just... Me. I sit around my house and play Skyrim, eat food, and sing musical theater tunes. Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I take a shower just cause. I know for a fact that I talk to my self A LOT. That might scare people away.

The thing that I think makes this quote beautiful is the fact that if you watch someone without them knowing (without being a creep), you're seeing them at their most human state. With nobody to impress or talk to, that's who they are. I know myself well enough to the point that I know who I am when I'm alone.

I know that I don't like being alone at all. But I look at being alone as a blessing in disguise. I might not like it, but it's a time when I can truly be myself and anything that I want to happen can pretty much happen. Of course, then I proceed to invite friends to share in the feelings I feel when I'm alone.

Maybe I'm always alone, and I actively let people observe me. Who knows?

The question I want to know is, "Who are you?"